versi hindi (हिंदी संस्करण )
versi bahasa Inggris (English version)
Petualangan Pahlawan (Hero's Adventure)
Dunia Fantasi (Fantasy World)
Pertempuran Abadi (Eternal Battle)
Aksi di Kota (Action in the City)
Balapan Ekstrem (Extreme Racing)
Misteri Hutan (Forest Mystery)
Perang Bintang (Star War)
Pahlawan Indonesia (Indonesian Heroes)
Sihir Elemental (Elemental Magic)
Fantasi Medieval (Medieval Fantasy)
Bertahan di Hutan (Survival in the Jungle)
Pertarungan Jalanan (Street Fight)
Amarah Dewa (God's Wrath)
Pemburu Harta Karun (Treasure Hunter)
Penaklukan Barat (Conquest of the West)
Sulap Sirkus (Circus Magic)
Pertempuran Laut (Naval Battle)
Melarikan Diri dari Penjara (Prison Break)
Petualangan di Bawah Air (Underwater Adventure)
Planet Jauh (Distant Planets)
Penyelamatan di Pegunungan (Mountain Rescue)
Misteri Mesir Kuno (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries)
Kecepatan Ekstrem (Extreme Speed)
Pertanian Bahagia (Happy Farm)
Duel Cowgirl (Cowgirl Duel)
Penjelajah Antariksa (Space Explorer)
Bajak Laut Karibia (Caribbean Pirates)
Perjalanan Viking (Viking Journey)
Legenda Afrika (African Legends)
Aksi di Gurun (Desert Action)
Pencurian Harta Karun (Treasure Theft)
Era Abad Pertengahan (Medieval Era)
Hutan Berbahaya (Dangerous Forest)
Legenda Nordik (Nordic Legends)
Lompatan Berbahaya (Death-Defying Leaps)
Peternakan Menyenangkan (Fun Farm)
Duel Penembak (Shooters Duel)
Eksplorasi Luar Angkasa (Space Exploration)
Misteri Mesir Kuno (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries)
Kecepatan Maksimum (Maximum Speed)
Kehidupan di Peternakan (Life on the Farm)
Petualangan Fantastis (Fantastic Adventure)
Bertahan di Pulau (Survival on the Island)
Pertempuran Robot (Robot Battle)
Misteri Hutan Atlantik (Atlantic Forest Mysteries)
Aksi di Jalanan (Street Action)
Kekacauan di Barat (Chaos in the West)
Legenda Celtic (Celtic Legends)
Lompatan Berbahaya (Dangerous Leaps)
Pertanian Ajaib (Enchanted Farm)
Duel Penembak (Shooters Duel)
Eksplorasi Luar Angkasa (Space Exploration)
Misteri Mesir Kuno (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries)
Kecepatan Maksimum (Maximum Speed)
Kehidupan di Peternakan (Life on the Farm)
Petualangan Fantastis (Fantastic Adventure)
Bertahan di Pulau (Survival on the Island)
Pertempuran Robot (Robot Battle)
Misteri Hutan Atlantik (Atlantic Forest Mysteries)
Aksi di Jalanan (Street Action)
Kekacauan di Barat (Chaos in the West)
Legenda Celtic (Celtic Legends)
Lompatan Berbahaya (Dangerous Leaps)
Pertanian Ajaib (Enchanted Farm)
Duel Penembak (Shooters Duel)
Eksplorasi Luar Angkasa (Space Exploration)
Misteri Mesir Kuno (Ancient Egyptian Mysteries)
Kecepatan Maksimum (Maximum Speed)
Kehidupan di Peternakan (Life on the Farm)
Petualangan Fantastis (Fantastic Adventure)
Bertahan di Pulau (Survival on the Island)
Pertempuran Robot (Robot Battle)
Misteri Hutan Atlantik (Atlantic Forest Mysteries)
Aksi di Jalanan (Street Action)
Kekacauan di Barat (Chaos in the West)
GameIndo (Game Indo)
PlatformGamer (Gamer Platform)
DuniaGame (Game World)
GameSeru (Exciting Game)
MainAja (Just Play)
GameTerbaik (Best Game)
GameOnline (Online Game)
ArenaGamer (Gamer Arena)
GamePopuler (Popular Game)
GameKeren (Cool Game)
GameSeruIndo (Exciting Game Indo)
GameAsik (Fun Game)
GamePilihan (Choice Game)
GameHebat (Great Game)
GameVirtual (Virtual Game)
PlatformGame (Game Platform)
GameMenarik (Interesting Game)
GameBrilian (Brilliant Game)
GameMudah (Easy Game)
GameSeruBanget (Super Fun Game)
PlatformGamerIndo (Gamer Platform Indo)
GameFavorit (Favorite Game)
GameCemerlang (Outstanding Game)
GameAksi (Action Game)
GameEpic (Epic Game)
GameIndo (Game Indo)
PlatformGamer (Gamer Platform)
DuniaGame (Game World)
GameSeru (Exciting Game)
MainAja (Just Play)
GameTerbaik (Best Game)
GameOnline (Online Game)
ArenaGamer (Gamer Arena)
GamePopuler (Popular Game)
GameKeren (Cool Game)
GameSeruIndo (Exciting Game Indo)
GameAsik (Fun Game)
GamePilihan (Choice Game)
GameHebat (Great Game)
GameVirtual (Virtual Game)
PlatformGame (Game Platform)
GameMenarik (Interesting Game)
GameBrilian (Brilliant Game)
GameMudah (Easy Game)
GameSeruBanget (Super Fun Game)
PlatformGamerIndo (Gamer Platform Indo)
GameFavorit (Favorite Game)
GameCemerlang (Outstanding Game)